IF 1/2X-3=2(X-1)/5 THEN X=

(x/2) - 3 = 2(x-1)/5

x/2 - 2x/5 = x/10 = 3 - (2/5)= 13/5
Take it from there

This is algebra, not geometry.

Just thought you should know that

To solve the equation `1/2x - 3 = 2(x - 1)/5` for `x`, follow these steps:

Step 1: Clear the denominators by multiplying through by the common denominator (in this case, 10) to eliminate fractions:
10 * (1/2x - 3) = 10 * (2(x - 1)/5)

Simplifying the equation becomes:
5(1x) - 30 = 4(x - 1)
5x - 30 = 4x - 4

Step 2: Move all terms containing 'x' to one side of the equation and all constant terms to the other side:
5x - 4x = -4 + 30
x = 26

So, the solution to the equation `1/2x - 3 = 2(x - 1)/5` is `x = 26`.