Compare the population per square mile in Asia to the population per square mile in North America for the year 2000.

North America:
land area(1,000mi squared)9,400
Population 305000000

land area (1,000mi squared) 17,400
population 4,028,000,000

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have no idea..i am totally lost

Population density is stated as the number of people per square mile.

North America: 9,400,000 / 4,028,000,000 = ?

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To compare the population per square mile in Asia to the population per square mile in North America for the year 2000, follow these steps:

1. Calculate the population density for North America:
- Divide the population (305,000,000) by the land area (9,400,000 square miles):
Population density in North America = 305,000,000 / 9,400,000 = 32.45 people per square mile.

2. Calculate the population density for Asia:
- Divide the population (4,028,000,000) by the land area (17,400,000 square miles):
Population density in Asia = 4,028,000,000 / 17,400,000 = 231.30 people per square mile.

3. Compare the population densities:
- North America has a population density of 32.45 people per square mile.
- Asia has a population density of 231.30 people per square mile.

Therefore, in the year 2000, Asia had a significantly higher population density compared to North America.