can you check this for me and help me with puting in the accents I got a new mac and am having difficuties with this

Me mejor memoria fue la noche vieja de dos mil seis en Nueva York. Mas temprano, esa moche mis amigos y yo fuimos en China Town en Queens. Nosotros cenamos en un restauraunte chino y me gusto mucho la comida alli. Despues, nosotros tomamos un helado. Luego, anduvimos en el metro. Supimos que mi amiga Dotti, que es una mujer mayor, ella sania la letra de la cancion "Smack That." Tambien, era mi primera vez en el metro en Nueva York. Nosotros vimos la pelota en Times Square caerse. Nosotros llegamos alli justo antes ellos empezaron a contar. Muchas personas estaban alli para celebrar el Ano Nuevo. Este dia fue tan memorable por que yo tuve muchas experiencias nuevas.

Well, I see you are up late too! I'll print this out so I can read it more easily and be right back!


OK. Please be more careful with the spelling, especially the accents. I've said it before: "you absolutely must learn how to do the accent marks on the computer." You DO have the charts, right? Usually I refuse to read anything without the accent marks!

First word "Me" has to be "Mi."
Christmas Eve = la Nochebuena
Mas = Más
esa moche = esa noche
fuimos en = fuimos a China Town (OR "we were in" = estábamos en...)

restauraunt = restaurante
me gusto = MUST have accent mark = me gustó
alli = alí
Despues = Después (see how much time I'm wasting adding accents?)

anduvimos en el metro = we walked IN? Please remember, also, that when you don't provide the English of what you are trying to say, I can't always guess.

una mujer mayor, ella = drop ella
sania = no such word and I can't guess
cancion = canción
Tambien = También
el metro de Nueva York = is better than "en" N.Y.

The "ball" that drops is better as "esfera" = Actually is "ball" the best word in English? I've never seen it.

alli = allí
justo = not good; try "poco antes de que ellos empezaron....."

alli = allí el Ano = el Año Nuevo
Este dia = Este día....por que = porque


Aha! How lucky you are with new MAC. It's so easy to make accent marks with the MAC. After you practice a few times, it will be a "snap!"

For Macs, in most cases, first hold down the "Option" key on the keyboard and then strike a regular character key as indicated below. Nothing will appear on your screen at this point. Release both keys, and then type the letter which should carry the diacritical. For some special characters press "Option" and one key together. See the following table to get the character that you want.

To find characters others than those listed above, choose Key Caps from the Apple menu for a diagram of your particular keyboard. Vary the font that is displayed by selecting other fonts from the new menu "Key Caps" which will have appeared at the right of your menu bar. The Apple Language Kits offer additional foreign language fonts and Zapf Dingbats consist of nothing but special characters.

acute á, é, í Option + e, the letter
grave è, à, ù Option + `, the letter
tilde ñ Ñ Option + n, the letter
circumflex ê Ê Option + i, the letter
umlaut ä Ä Option + u, the letter "a" or Option + u, Shift and the letter for capital "A"
umlaut ö Ö Option + u, the letter"o" or Option + u, Shift and the letter for capital "O"
umlaut ü Ü Option + u, the letter "u" or Shift and the letter "U"
cedilla ç Ç Option + c or C
reverse question mark ¿ Option + ?
esszett ß Option + s
reverse examation mark ¡ Option + 1
pound £ Option + 3
paragraph § Option + 6
degree º Option + 0 (zero)
copyright © Option plus g


Sure! It seems like you're having difficulty putting in the accents on your new Mac. I can help you with that!

To add accents to your letters on a Mac, you need to use the "Option" key in combination with other keys. Here are some common accents and the corresponding key combinations:

1. To add an acute accent (´), press the "Option" key and the "e" key at the same time, then release both keys. Next, type the letter to which you want to add the accent. For example, if you want to add an acute accent to the letter "é," you would press "Option + e," release both keys, and then press the "e" key.

2. To add a grave accent (`), press the "Option" key and the "`" key at the same time, then release both keys. Next, type the letter to which you want to add the accent.

3. To add a circumflex accent (^), press the "Option" key and the "I" key at the same time, then release both keys. Next, type the letter to which you want to add the accent.

4. To add a tilde (~), press the "Option" key and the "n" key at the same time, then release both keys. Next, type the letter to which you want to add the accent.

Now, let's apply this to the text you provided:

"Mi mejor memoria fue la noche vieja de dos mil seis en Nueva York. Más temprano, esa noche mis amigos y yo fuimos a China Town en Queens. Nosotros cenamos en un restaurante chino y me gustó mucho la comida allí. Después, nosotros tomamos un helado. Luego, anduvimos en el metro. Supimos que mi amiga Dotti, que es una mujer mayor, ella sabía la letra de la canción 'Smack That.' También, era mi primera vez en el metro en Nueva York. Nosotros vimos la pelota en Times Square caerse. Nosotros llegamos allí justo antes de que ellos empezaran a contar. Muchas personas estaban allí para celebrar el Año Nuevo. Este día fue tan memorable porque yo tuve muchas experiencias nuevas."

I have added the appropriate accents to the text. Let me know if you need any further assistance!