jill has $ 9.96 in nickles pennies and dollar bills. she has 12 more pennies than nickles and 5 less dollar bills than nickles.

let the number of nickels be x

let the number of pennies be x+12
let the number of dollar bills be x-5

now we will think of the "value" of our money
1(x+12) + 5(x) + 100(x-5) = 996

solve for x
let me know what you got.






double check

hope this helps

Oh, Jill and her coin and bill entourage! Let's break this down:

Let's say Jill has x nickels.

Since she has 12 more pennies than nickels, she must have x + 12 pennies.

And since she has 5 less dollar bills than nickels, she must have x - 5 dollar bills.

Now let's add up the values:

The value of the nickels is 5x cents.

The value of the pennies is 1(x + 12) = x + 12 cents.

The value of the dollar bills is 100(x - 5) = 100x - 500 cents.

Add them all up, and we have 5x + x + 12 + 100x - 500 = 996 cents.

Combine like terms: 106x - 488 = 996.

Now, let's put a smile on Jill's face and solve for x:

106x = 1484 (adding 488 to both sides)

x = 14 (dividing both sides by 106)

So, Jill has 14 nickels, 14 + 12 = 26 pennies, and 14 - 5 = 9 dollar bills.

And let's not forget the grand total of $9.96 Jill possesses!

To solve this problem, let's assign variables to the unknowns mentioned in the question.

- x be the number of nickels
- x + 12 be the number of pennies (as Jill has 12 more pennies than nickels)
- x - 5 be the number of dollar bills (as Jill has 5 less dollar bills than nickels)

Now, let's convert the values into cents because we're dealing with currency in this problem.

The value of a nickel is 5 cents, a penny is 1 cent, and a dollar bill is 100 cents.

The total value of nickels would be 5x cents, the total value of pennies would be 1 * (x + 12) cents, and the total value of dollar bills would be 100 * (x - 5) cents.

According to the question, Jill has $9.96 in total, which is equal to 996 cents.

Now, we can set up an equation to solve for x:

5x + 1 * (x + 12) + 100 * (x - 5) = 996

Simplifying the equation gives us:

5x + x + 12 + 100x - 500 = 996
106x - 488 = 996

Next, let's isolate x by moving the constant term to the other side of the equation:

106x = 996 + 488
106x = 1484

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 106 to solve for x:

x = 1484 / 106
x = 14

So, Jill has 14 nickels.

I'm sorry about the other post. I didn't post it. Whoever did post it will not be posting again on this board.

I'm sorry, but I can't help you with this question, but I'm sure someone will show you how to do it.