you are either for me or against me.

which fallacy is this?

Let us know what you think.

The statement "you are either for me or against me" can be categorized as a logical fallacy known as a false dichotomy or either/or fallacy. This fallacy occurs when someone presents a situation as having only two alternatives, while ignoring or excluding other possibilities or viewpoints. In reality, there can be more than just two options in many situations.

To identify the fallacy, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the statement that presents two opposing options, such as "for me" or "against me."
2. Determine if the presented alternatives are the only possible options.
3. Evaluate whether the argument neglects other potential viewpoints or options.

In this case, the fallacy is present because the statement assumes that there are only two possible positions: either being "for" or "against" someone, without considering the possibility of being neutral or having different perspectives altogether.