Italian Currency: Euro

Currency exchange: 1.42 us dollars to 1 Euro

If a product costs 4.00 in the US, then how much will it cost in Euro's?

You can use a proportion:

1.42/1 = 4/x
1.42x = 4
x = 2.82

To find out how much the product will cost in euros, you need to convert the price from US dollars to euros using the given currency exchange rate.

Step 1: Convert the US dollar price to euros.
Since 1 euro is equivalent to 1.42 US dollars, divide the US dollar price (4.00) by the exchange rate (1.42):

4.00 US dollars / 1.42 US dollars/euro = 2.82 euros

Therefore, the cost of the product in euros would be approximately 2.82 euros.