I can be three different states of matter, but not at the same time. I am necessary for life, but i can also destroy life. I can be under your feet, around your body, or over your head. What am I?

Think about it.

What is solid when frozen, liquid when between 32 and 212 degrees fahrenheit, and a gas when it evaporates?

It also can destroy life when there's too much of it. Children love wading in it, and most people enjoy swimming and bathing in it.

oh water thanks

You're welcome.

The answer to the riddle is "water." Water can exist as a solid (ice), a liquid (water), or a gas (water vapor), but not simultaneously. Water is necessary for life as it is a major component of all living organisms and plays a vital role in various biological processes. However, it can also be destructive, such as during floods or natural disasters. Water can be found underground (under your feet), in our bodies and surrounding us (around your body), and in the form of clouds or rain (over your head).