Does anyone know the terminal velocity of a human being?

About 120 miles an hour falling flat like a sky diver before pulling the rip cord.

You could go faster by diving straight down, but before long the "Munk Moment" is likely to turn you belly down. An elongated body in a stream is basically unstable with the pointy end forward and tends to turn sideways. If you draw such an object at a slight angle to straight ahead and approximate potential streamlines around it, you get stagnation points (maximum pressure ) at bow and stern so as to turn the bow away from the flow, and you end up going with your long axis perpendicular to the flow (belly down)

(That is why arrows have feathers.)

A 21000 kilogram car starts from rest at the top of a 5.0 meters long driveway that is inclined at 20 degrees with the horizontal. If the friction force of 40000 impedes the ,motion find the speed of the car at the bottom of the driveway

To determine the terminal velocity of a human being, we can use a simple formula that takes into account both the mass and drag coefficient of the object. The terminal velocity is the maximum speed at which the force of gravity pulling the object down is balanced by the force of air resistance pushing upward. Once these forces are balanced, the object reaches a constant speed and falls at a steady rate.

The formula to calculate terminal velocity is:

Vt = sqrt((2 * m * g) / (ρ * A * Cd))

Vt is the terminal velocity
m is the mass of the object
g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s²)
ρ is the density of the air
A is the frontal area of the object
Cd is the drag coefficient

However, it's important to note that calculating the exact terminal velocity for a human being can be challenging due to various factors such as body shape, posture, clothing, and other variable conditions. Additionally, it is not safe or ethical to conduct experiments to measure the terminal velocity of a human being directly.

As a result, scientists often rely on simulations and estimates to determine an approximate range for the terminal velocity of a human. The typical range is believed to be around 53 to 56 meters per second (around 120 to 125 miles per hour) for a person in a free fall position, without any additional equipment or factors affecting the fall.