are these correct? and simplifeid correctly?

ax2b/6 x 4/5a = 4ab/15a

xy^2/7 x 7x^2/y = xy^2

3/17rs x 17s^2/4r = 51s/68r^2

2v/3u x 4/6vu = 4/9u^2

31m^2n/41 x 21/mn x 2n^2/3m = 1302n^n 123

3tr/s x 2rt/s^2 = 6t^2r^2/s^3

Use * for multiplicatrion when you also have x symbols present

a * 2b/6 * 4/(5a) = 8 b/5
(I assumed the "5a" was the denominator)

(xy^2)/7 * (7x^2)/y = x^3y

Try the others again. You aren't doing it right.

for the second one wouldnt it just be x^3

No. You have a y^2 in the numerator and a y in the denominator. They do not cancel out

To determine if the given expressions are correct and simplified correctly, let's simplify each expression step by step.

1) ax^2b/6 * 4/5a

First, we can cancel out the 'a' term in the numerator and denominator:

(ax^2b * 4) / (6 * 5a)

Next, we can simplify the numerator:

(4ax^2b) / (30a)

Now, we can cancel out the 'a' term in the numerator and denominator:

(4x^2b) / 30

Simplifying further, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by 2:

(2x^2b) / 15

Therefore, the simplified expression is (2x^2b)/15, which is different from the given expression 4ab/15a. Thus, the given expression is not correct.

2) xy^2/7 * 7x^2/y

Here, we can cancel out the 'y' term in the numerator and denominator:

(x * y^2 * 7x^2) / (7 * y)

Next, we simplify the numerator:

7x^3y^2 / y

Since there is no further simplification possible, this is the simplified expression.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 7x^3y^2/y, which matches the given expression. Thus, the given expression is correct and simplified correctly.

3) (3/17)rs * (17s^2)/(4r)

We can cancel out 's' and 'r' terms present in the numerator and denominator:

(3/17) * (s * s) / (4)

Simplifying further:

(3s^2) / (17 * 4)

(3s^2) / 68

Thus, the simplified expression is (3s^2)/68, which matches the given expression. Therefore, the given expression is correct and simplified correctly.

4) (2v/3u) * (4/6vu)

Here, we can cancel out 'v' and 'u' terms present in the numerator and denominator:

(2/3) * (1/6)

Multiplying the fractions together:


Further simplifying, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by 2:


Thus, the simplified expression is 1/9u, which is different from the given expression 4/9u^2. Hence, the given expression is not correct.

5) (31m^2n/41) * (21/mn) * (2n^2/3m)

First, we can simplify the numerator terms:

(31m^2n * 2n^2) / (41 * 3m)

Further, we can cancel out 'm' and 'n' terms present in the numerator and denominator:

(31 * 2) / (41 * 3)

Multiplying the numbers:

62 / 123

Finally, simplifying, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 1:


Thus, the simplified expression is 62/123, which is different from the given expression 1302n^n 123. Therefore, the given expression is not correct.

6) (3tr/s) * (2rt/s^2)

Here, we can cancel out 'r' and 's' terms present in the numerator and denominator:

(3 * 2 * t) / (s * s)

Simplifying further:

6t / s^2

Hence, the simplified expression is 6t/s^2, which is different from the given expression 6t^2r^2/s^3. Therefore, the given expression is not correct.

In summary, only the expression in question 2 is correct and simplified correctly. The rest of the expressions are either incorrect or not simplified correctly.