Find all the numbers that give you 7.29 when squared. Show your work.

The square root of 7.29 = 2.7

Thank You, how can you find a square root of a number easily?

I have learned and forgotten and learned and forgotten how to find a square root by hand. I used a calculator. <g>

This site may help you.

Thank You, I saved this link.

To find all the numbers that give you 7.29 when squared, we need to find the square root of 7.29.

Here's how you can find the square root using a calculator or step-by-step calculation method:

1. Using a calculator:
Simply enter the number 7.29 and press the square root (√) button. The calculator will give you the square root directly.

2. Step-by-step calculation method:
Start with an initial guess for the square root of 7.29, for example, 2.
- Square the initial guess: 2 * 2 = 4.
- Compare the result with 7.29: 4 is smaller than 7.29.
- Increment the initial guess by a small amount, for example, 0.1: 2 + 0.1 = 2.1.
- Square the new guess: 2.1 * 2.1 = 4.41.
- Compare the result with 7.29: 4.41 is smaller than 7.29.
- Repeat the process by incrementing the guess until you find a number whose square is very close to 7.29.
- Using this method, you will find that the square root of 7.29 is approximately 2.7.

Now that we have found the square root of 7.29, we can use it to find the numbers whose square is equal to 7.29. There are two possibilities:

1. Positive square root: 2.7.
When 2.7 is squared, we get 7.29.

2. Negative square root: -2.7.
When -2.7 is squared, we also get 7.29.

Therefore, the numbers that give you 7.29 when squared are 2.7 and -2.7.