Mark uses 1 pt 9 fl oz and then 2 pt 10 fl oz from a container of film

developer that holds 3 qt. How much of the developer remains?

I pint = 16 fl oz

1 qt = 32 fl oz

Convert and subtract the first two amounts from 3 qt. equivalent.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

no not really...need a little more help


3 qt * 32 oz/qt = 96 oz

1 pt 9 oz = 16 oz + 9 oz = 25 oz
2 pt 10 oz = 32 oz + 10 oz = 42 oz
total used = 25+42 = 67 oz
amount left = 96-67 = 29 oz
29 oz - 16 oz = 13 oz
1 pint 13 oz left

To determine how much developer remains in the container, we need to subtract the amount Mark used from the total amount in the container.

First, let's convert all the measurements to a common unit, such as fl oz or quarts.

1 pt = 16 fl oz (since 1 pint = 16 fluid ounces)
2 pt = 32 fl oz
10 fl oz

To convert these values to quarts:
16 fl oz = 1 qt (since 32 fl oz = 2 qts)
10 fl oz = 0.625 qt (dividing 10 by 16)

Now, let's calculate the remaining volume of developer in the container:

Total volume of developer = 3 qt

Subtract the amount Mark used:
3 qt - (1.5625 qt + 2 qt) = 3 qt - 3.5625 qt = -0.5625 qt

The negative value indicates that Mark used more developer than was available in the container. To maintain accuracy, we assume the remaining volume of developer would be 0 qt rather than a negative number. Therefore, 0 qt of the developer remains in the container.