Find the solution {in the interval of [0,2pi)} of:

tan2x - 2cosx = 0

( I know the answer is pi/6, but I guessed and checked. Please show the steps I need to go through in order to get the answer )

tan 2x = sin 2x / cos 2x

= 2 sin x cos x /(cos^2 x - sin^2 x)
= 2 cos x [ sin x / (cos^2 x-sin^2 x) ]
now if we can find where
[ sin x / (cos^2x-sin^2x) ]
is 1
then we have it
well cos^2 x = 1 - sin^2 x
so we have
sin x /[ 1 - sin^2 x - sin^2 x] = 1
sin x = 1 - 2 sin^2 x
2 sin^2 x + sin x -1 = 0
(2 sin x -1) (sin x + 1) = 0
sin x = -1
sin x = 1/2
if x = 30 degrees (pi/6 radians) that is a solution
so is x = 180 - 30 = 150 degrees = 5pi/6
also 3 pi/4 gives x = -1

tan 2x = 2 tan x/[1 - tan^2x] = 2 cos x

tan x = cos x - cos x tan^2 x
= cos x - sin^2 x/cos x
Multiply both sides by cos x.
sin x = cos^2 x - sin^2 x = cos 2x
= 1 - 2 sin^2 x
2 sin^2 x + sin x -1 = 0
(2 sin x -1)(sin x + 1) = 0
sin x = 1/2 or -1
x = pi/6 or 3 pi/2

There are two answers

also 3 pi/2 (270 degrees) gives x = -1

Thank you!

To find the solution to the equation tan(2x) - 2cos(x) = 0 within the interval [0, 2π), you'll need to follow a step-by-step process. Here's how you can solve it:

Step 1: Simplify the equation
To simplify the equation, we'll use trigonometric identities. Specifically, we'll use the double-angle formula for tangent and the cosine formula.

tan(2x) = sin(2x)/cos(2x)
cos(2x) = cos^2(x) - sin^2(x)

Now we can rewrite the equation as:

sin(2x)/(cos^2(x) - sin^2(x)) - 2cos(x) = 0

Step 2: Combine the numerators
Combine the numerators by multiplying both sides of the equation by (cos^2(x) - sin^2(x)). This will eliminate the denominator:

sin(2x) - 2cos(x)(cos^2(x) - sin^2(x)) = 0

Expand the expression:

sin(2x) - 2cos^3(x) + 2sin^2(x)cos(x) = 0

Step 3: Use trigonometric identities
Apply the trigonometric identities sin(2x) = 2sin(x)cos(x) and cos^2(x) = 1 - sin^2(x) to simplify the equation further:

2sin(x)cos(x) - 2cos^3(x) + 2sin^2(x)cos(x) = 0

Step 4: Combine like terms
Combine the like terms to get:

4sin(x)cos(x) - 2cos^3(x) = 0

Step 5: Factor out common terms
Factor out a common term of 2cos(x):

2cos(x)(2sin(x) - cos^2(x)) = 0

Step 6: Find the solutions
Set each factor equal to zero and solve for x:

2cos(x) = 0 or 2sin(x) - cos^2(x) = 0

For the first factor, 2cos(x) = 0, the solutions within [0, 2π) are:

x = π/2 or 3π/2

For the second factor, 2sin(x) - cos^2(x) = 0, we need to solve it separately.

2sin(x) - cos^2(x) = 0
2sin(x) = cos^2(x)
2sin(x) = 1 - sin^2(x) (using the identity cos^2(x) = 1 - sin^2(x))
sin^2(x) + 2sin(x) - 1 = 0

Now, solve the quadratic equation using the quadratic formula:

sin(x) = (-2 ± √(2^2 - 4*(-1)))/(2*1)
sin(x) = (-2 ± √(4 + 4))/(2)
sin(x) = (-2 ± √(8))/(2)
sin(x) = (-2 ± 2√2)/(2)
sin(x) = -1 ± √2

Since sin(x) cannot be greater than 1 or less than -1, the values -1 + √2 and -1 - √2 can be discarded as solutions.

The remaining solutions are arcsin(-1 + √2) and arcsin(-1 - √2).

Using a calculator, we find that the values are arcsin(-1 + √2) ≈ 0.955 and arcsin(-1 - √2) ≈ -0.955.

Therefore, the solutions within [0, 2π) are:

x = π/2, 3π/2, 0.955, and -0.955. (Note: -0.955 is equivalent to 2π - 0.955 ≈ 5.328)

However, you mentioned that the answer you already knew is π/6. It seems there might be a mistake in the problem or the given answer. Please double-check the equation or the solution you provided.