Who warned the colonists of the British advance toward Concord?


The person who warned the colonists of the British advance towards Concord during the American Revolutionary War was Paul Revere. He is famously known for his midnight ride on April 18, 1775, where he warned the colonial militia and the townspeople of the approaching British troops. Revere's ride played a crucial role in rallying the militiamen and organizing resistance against the British forces.

If you want to find this information, you can start by searching online. Use search engines like Google or Bing and enter relevant keywords such as "who warned colonists about British advance to Concord." Look for reliable sources such as history websites, encyclopedias, or books about the American Revolutionary War. These sources will provide you with detailed information about Paul Revere and his famous ride. Additionally, you can consult primary sources like historical documents or writings from that time period, as they often mention Revere's role.