what is it called when you roll someone if they may be suffering from alcohol poisoning?

well, it is a 4 letter word beginning with "S" and I have no idea. I couldn't find anything on the website..

The source I found clearly calls it the Bacchus Maneuver.

in my crossword puzzle, it precisely says "where you roll someone if they may be suffering from alcohol poisoning"

and it is supposed to be a 4 letter word beginning with "s".. I saw that it said the Bacchus Maneuver on that site, but that clearly doesn't help me.

Is the word possibly "side?"

that doesn't sound right.. hmm.. I'll keep looking.

The question asks where you roll the person. You roll him to his side.

oh, ok I misunderstood. thanks for the clarification

Here is what you do:

Call an ambulance.
Use the Bacchus Maneuver and roll the person into the recovery position to prevent them from choking.
Do not leave the person alone. Stay with them and monitor breathing until medical help arrives.


right. thanks

When you suspect that someone may be suffering from alcohol poisoning, it is important to perform the "recovery position" or "recovery position roll" to help keep their airway clear, prevent choking, and facilitate proper breathing. This position is also known as the "lateral recumbent position" or "coma position."

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to perform the recovery position roll:

1. Approach the person cautiously and assess their responsiveness. Gently tap them and ask if they are okay.

2. If there is no response, call for emergency medical assistance immediately.

3. Carefully place the person on their side, preferably on the left side. To do this:
- Kneel beside the person and place their nearest arm perpendicular to their body, palm facing up.
- Take their farthest arm and cross it over their chest, placing the back of their hand against their cheek closest to you.
- Bend the person's farthest leg at the knee, keeping the foot flat on the ground.
- With your other hand on their hip, gently roll the person towards you onto their side.

4. Ensure that the person's head is tilted back slightly to keep their airway open. Check that their mouth is clear of any obstructions or vomit.

5. Monitor the person's condition until medical help arrives.

Remember, if you suspect someone may have alcohol poisoning, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention, as alcohol overdose can be life-threatening. Additionally, do not leave the person alone and provide reassurance as you wait for medical professionals to arrive.