I need help on this data flow diagram pretty much i don't have a clue what i am doing. And my instructor has been no help all year so could somebody please do this for me. i don't have a clue how to use visio either. I have to do a dfd base on the JaD session example.

A JAD Session Example
A portion of the JAD session follows:
I'm really excited about this new opportunity. I hope to recruit some top-notch training professionals for the new group. I hope we can launch a major marketing effort early next year. By the way, I like the name TIMS - it stands for training information management system. I want Amy to put all existing SCR clients on a special list so they will be the first to get announcements about new course offerings. The TIMS system should manage students, courses, and instructors.
We should build a master list of courses, students, and instructors -- some of them also might be SCR employees who have a dual role. The system should track registration, right up to the day that the course is held. Corporate courses don't depend on size -- that is determined by the contractual arrangement we have with the client. Courses that are open to the public, however, will require a minimum size in order to conduct the class, as well as a maximum number of students.
For now, we want the administrative support group to handle the training information system. They have the current records, and they can coordinate the administration while we focus on developing and marketing the courses. I've cleared that approach with Robert Stacy. His only concern is the workload. If we reach a point where Sandy can't handle the volume, we'll have to create a new training coordinator position; we should figure that into the cost of the new system, along with facilities, salaries, and systems development costs. I'll meet with the executive committee and the accounting people to come up with projections for the other costs and benefits. Sandy, do we have records for former students?
I found that we do have some records, but the information is not well organized. Starting in August, I developed a simple database and I have that information for August and September. By the way, August was a little quiet, but September was a fairly typical month for our corporate training activity.
Can we use any of that as a model for the new system?
A JAD Session Example
A portion of the JAD session follows:
I'm really excited about this new opportunity. I hope to recruit some top-notch training professionals for the new group. I hope we can launch a major marketing effort early next year. By the way, I like the name TIMS - it stands for training information management system. I want Amy to put all existing SCR clients on a special list so they will be the first to get announcements about new course offerings. The TIMS system should manage students, courses, and instructors.
We should build a master list of courses, students, and instructors -- some of them also might be SCR employees who have a dual role. The system should track registration, right up to the day that the course is held. Corporate courses don't depend on size -- that is determined by the contractual arrangement we have with the client. Courses that are open to the public, however, will require a minimum size in order to conduct the class, as well as a maximum number of students.
For now, we want the administrative support group to handle the training information system. They have the current records, and they can coordinate the administration while we focus on developing and marketing the courses. I've cleared that approach with Robert Stacy. His only concern is the workload. If we reach a point where Sandy can't handle the volume, we'll have to create a new training coordinator position; we should figure that into the cost of the new system, along with facilities, salaries, and systems development costs. I'll meet with the executive committee and the accounting people to come up with projections for the other costs and benefits. Sandy, do we have records for former students?
I found that we do have some records, but the information is not well organized. Starting in August, I developed a simple database and I have that information for August and September. By the way, August was a little quiet, but September was a fairly typical month for our corporate training activity.
Can we use any of that as a model for the new system?
To be honest, no. The new system should resemble a registration system that a school would use. We'll have to produce transcripts and verify records for former students. I'll work on a possible list of data items for courses and students, but I'll probably need some help from the systems group.
No problem, Sandy. Let's get together and work on it this afternoon. We can build a model and begin to document the data requirements.
As a trainer, it would be nice if the new system could produce a class roster that gave us some background information about the students. That way, we would know more about the collective experience of the group, and we could consider that when we deliver the training. I hope that Sandy and Dave consider that option.
That's certainly possible, Meg. Overall background information is no problem. But if we want specific information that relates to a particular course, the instructor might have to develop a form that students fill in when they register. The results could be printed along with the class roster.
As SCR's client service representative, I want to be able to send out a schedule that shows all offerings for the next 90 days. Companies need time to plan, especially if employees are taking two or three days off to attend a session. I also want the system to produce attractive certificates that attest to the successful completion of the course.
What about the questionnaire that Jesse Baker suggested? That seems like a great idea. Let's send it to a sample of former students and prospective students. We need to know what people liked and find out what could be improved. Most of all, we need to identify popular course offerings and then estimate the number of students we can expect. We need to form a sub-team of systems people, trainers, and administrative support staff to work on the questionnaire and distribute it as soon as possible.
JAD team members form sub-groups, and report back to the main team after a break
We batted this around, and our team feels that the system will have four main functions. Actually it has quite a few more, but they can be broken down into four groups. Obviously, TIMS will manage class scheduling, handle student registration, track classes that are conducted, and produce various kinds of output. Thinking ahead, Jill, what output will be required?
Well, the training administrator will need a report on courses conducted and a listing of instructor assignments. I'd like a schedule report for future reference to see which classes are most popular.
SCR's corporate clients will certainly want a report on their students.
As a trainer, I can tell you that students will appreciate receiving an attractive certificate. I'm sure the system can generate signature ready certificates. I suggest that we update the old design and come up with a logo for the new SCR training group.
The accounting system will need an update so we can reconcile student accounts and bill corporate clients for any unpaid balances.
From a Web design viewpoint, although we won't be launching online registration until late next year, I'll go ahead and update the SCR Web site now as part of our marketing effort. The JAD team is working now on a model of student registration forms and input screens. As soon as they are ready, I'll design a set of Web forms that we can use when we go online.

Emails from Jesse
Date: 09/20/2008

Subject: Process and logical modeling of TIMS
Hi ~ ,
Now we're ready to build a process model of TIMS. Based on the JAD summary, the entities probably should include instructors, students, corporate clients, courses, and the training administrator. TIMS will interface with the SCR accounting system, so be sure to include it as an entity.
I think at least four processes are involved: the system must manage course scheduling, register students, maintain training records, and produce reports. I'd also like to see a lower-level diagram for one or more of the processes that you identify in diagram 0. You can label the data flows in a general manner on the context diagram, then go into more detail in the lower-level diagrams.
I spoke to Jill Martin and Amy Hawkins today, and I learned that we'll offer various discounts on training course fees. The idea is that students can receive one or more discounts if they register for multiple courses or are employed by SCR's corporate clients. Jill and Amy have three specific rules in mind:
All students will be eligible for a discount when they enroll for a second course. Let's call that discount rate A.
Whether or not they register for multiple courses, any student who currently is employed by one of SCR's corporate clients will be eligible for a discount. Let's call that discount rate B.
From time to time, Amy Hawkins, as client service representative, will waive the employment requirement for discount B. Amy plans to use that discount as a marketing tool.
When you develop process descriptions for TIMS, remember to include a logical model that represents those rules. I'd like to see both an initial decision table that shows all possibilities and a simplified version. Also, please include a decision tree. Thanks.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Jesse Baker

Date: 09/20/2008

Subject: Use Case Diagram of TIMS
Hi ~ ,
Now we're ready to build a use case model for the TIMS system. Based on the JAD summary, we can use the same entities that we already identified, so the list should include instructors, students, corporate clients, course listings, and the training administrator. Also, remember that TIMS will interface with the SCR accounting system, so be sure to include it as an entity.
After you review the JAD summary, think some more about how the entities relate to each other, and to the overall system. If an external entity, such as a student, interacts with the system, then you should identify that entity as an actor – and sketch out a use case that shows the interaction. Identify at least three of these, and send them to me. For each use case, remember to create a use case description, which looks like a table with sections for use case name, actor, description, successful completion, alternatives, preconditions, postconditions, and assumptions.
If you can, also draw a use case diagram that shows the actors and their actions. Remember to put a system boundary around the diagram so you’ll know what is internal and what is external to the system.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Jesse Baker

1. Jesse wants to see a context diagram and a diagram 0 DFD for TIMS. Be sure to include at least four processes in the diagram 0 DFD.
2. Jesse would also like to see a lower-level diagram for each of the four processes that you identify in diagram 0. You can label the data flows in a general manner on the context diagram, then go into more detail in the lower-level diagrams.
3. Prepare a decision table and a decision tree that show the logical rules described in Jesse's message about fees and discounts.
4. Jesse wants you to identify possible use cases and actors and draw a use case diagram for at least three use cases such as Determine Schedule, Register, and Maintain Training Records. Possible actors might include Training Administrator, Instructor, Student, and Corporate Client. Remember to put a system boundary around the diagram so you’ll know what is internal and what is external to the system.

Hints for drawing DFD:
1. TIMS system has six external entities: Corporate client, Training Administrator, Instructor, Student, Course and Accounting system.

2. There are four major processes and three major data stores to be displayed in Diagram 0. Processes are “Manage Course Scheduling”, “Register Students”, “Maintain Training Records”, and “Produce Reports”. Data stores are “Student Data”, “Schedule Data” and “Training Data”.

3. TIMS system manages course scheduling by integrating scheduling decisions from training administrator, course data and training data. Through this process, TIMS will generate a course schedule and course assignment for instructors. Managing course scheduling involves at least three lower level processes: analyze schedule demand, analyze instructor availability and create schedule.

4. TIMS registers students by integrating course requests, course schedule data, students’ current registration data (or training data), and payment. Through this process, TIMS will generate registration confirmation and invoice for students, a roster for instructor and accounting data for accounting system. Registering students involves at least five lower level processes: process course requests, update registration data, create course roasters, handle invoices and payments and prepare accounting data.

5. Maintain training records process receives course completion data from instructors and updates the training data.

6. TIMS also uses training data to produce various reports such as training reports for training administrator and training summary report for corporate clients.

I have the same class and same issue with the class and professor. I too have no clue how to do this or where to begin.


To create a data flow diagram (DFD) for the TIMS system based on the JaD session example, follow these steps:

1. Start by identifying the external entities involved in the system. In this case, the external entities are Corporate Client, Training Administrator, Instructor, Student, Course, and Accounting System.

2. Create a context diagram (Diagram 0) to show the high-level overview of the system. This diagram will include the external entities and the major processes and data stores of the system. In this case, the major processes are "Manage Course Scheduling," "Register Students," "Maintain Training Records," and "Produce Reports." The data stores are "Student Data," "Schedule Data," and "Training Data."

3. Add data flows between the external entities, processes, and data stores on the context diagram to show the flow of information. For example, the "Manage Course Scheduling" process will receive course requests from the Training Administrator and Course entities, and it will generate a course schedule and course assignments for instructors. The data flows should be labeled appropriately to indicate the information being exchanged.

4. For each major process identified in the context diagram, create a lower-level diagram to show more detailed information about the sub-processes and data flows within that process. For example, for the "Register Students" process, you can create a lower-level diagram that shows processes such as "Process Course Requests," "Update Registration Data," "Create Course Rosters," "Handle Invoices and Payments," and "Prepare Accounting Data." Again, label the data flows to indicate the information being exchanged.

5. Repeat step 4 for the other major processes identified in the context diagram, creating lower-level diagrams as necessary to show more detailed information.

To prepare a decision table and decision tree for the logical rules described in Jesse's message about fees and discounts, follow these steps:

1. Identify the logical rules mentioned by Jesse: discount rate A for enrolling in a second course, discount rate B for students employed by corporate clients, and the ability to waive the employment requirement for discount B.

2. Create a decision table to list all the possible combinations of conditions and outcomes for these rules. The conditions can include whether the student is enrolling for a second course and whether they are employed by a corporate client. The outcomes can be the applicable discount rate for each condition. Be sure to include all possibilities in the decision table.

3. Create a decision tree to visually represent the logical rules and the flow of decision-making based on the conditions. Start with the initial conditions and branch out based on the outcomes. The decision tree should provide a clear representation of the decision-making process and the resulting discount rates.

Finally, to identify possible use cases and actors and draw a use case diagram for at least three use cases such as "Determine Schedule," "Register," and "Maintain Training Records," follow these steps:

1. Identify the possible use cases based on the requirements and interactions mentioned in the JaD session example. For example, "Determine Schedule" can be a use case where the Training Administrator interacts with the system to determine the schedule for upcoming courses.

2. Identify the actors involved in each use case. The possible actors can include Training Administrator, Instructor, Student, and Corporate Client.

3. Create a use case diagram that shows the actors and their interactions with the system. Place a system boundary around the diagram to indicate what is internal and what is external to the system.

By following these steps, you should be able to create the requested data flow diagram, decision table, decision tree, and use case diagram for the TIMS system.

To create a data flow diagram (DFD) based on the JaD session example, follow these steps:

1. Identify the entities involved in the system based on the information provided. In this case, the entities are:
- Corporate client
- Training Administrator
- Instructor
- Student
- Course
- Accounting system

2. Create a Context Diagram (Diagram 0):
- Draw a rectangle in the center of the diagram and label it "TIMS" (Training Information Management System).
- Draw six external entities around the center rectangle, representing the entities mentioned above.
- Connect the external entities to the TIMS rectangle using data flow arrows. Label the arrows with a brief description of the data being transferred.

3. Identify the main processes based on the information provided. In this case, the processes are:
- Manage Course Scheduling
- Register Students
- Maintain Training Records
- Produce Reports

4. Create a Diagram 0 DFD:
- Draw four rectangles representing each of the main processes.
- Connect the rectangles to the TIMS rectangle using data flow arrows.
- Label the arrows with a brief description of the data being transferred between the processes and TIMS.

5. For each main process identified, create a lower-level DFD:
- Draw a rectangle representing each lower-level process within the main process rectangle.
- Connect the rectangles to the main process rectangle using data flow arrows.
- Label the arrows with a brief description of the data being transferred between the lower-level processes and the main process.

6. Prepare a decision table and a decision tree to document the logical rules described by Jesse about fees and discounts. The decision table should list all possible combinations of conditions and outcomes, while the decision tree visually represents the decision-making process based on those conditions and outcomes.

7. Identify possible use cases and actors based on the information provided. Use cases are actions or activities that the system performs, and actors are the entities that interact with the system. Examples of use cases and actors in this scenario could be:
- Use Case: Determine Schedule
Actor: Training Administrator

- Use Case: Register
Actors: Student, Training Administrator

- Use Case: Maintain Training Records
Actor: Instructor

- Use Case: Produce Reports
Actors: Training Administrator, Corporate Client

8. Create a use case diagram:
- Draw rectangles representing the use cases and actors.
- Connect the rectangles with lines to show the interactions between the use cases and actors.
- Place a system boundary around the use cases and actors to distinguish what is internal to the system.

These steps should help you create a data flow diagram and decision table/tree for the TIMS system based on the given information.