How long has this situation been going on


Ms. Sue, thank you

To determine how long a situation has been going on, you'll need to gather relevant information. Here are a few methods you can use:

1. Research: Look for news articles, official statements, or other reliable sources that could provide information about the start date or duration of the situation. Online news platforms, government websites, and reputable news agencies are good places to start. Try searching for keywords related to the situation and filter the search results based on the date range.

2. Historical records: Check if there are any historical records or documents available that may shed light on the duration of the situation. These could include official records, archives, or even personal accounts from individuals who have experienced or witnessed the situation.

3. Expert opinions: Seek out expert opinions from professionals or specialists who have knowledge or expertise in the specific domain related to the situation you're inquiring about. They may have insights or access to data that can help determine the duration of the situation.

4. Personal knowledge or experience: If you have any personal knowledge or experience related to the situation, you can use that to estimate or gauge the duration. However, keep in mind that personal experiences may not always reflect the complete timeline of the situation, so it's essential to cross-reference with other sources.

By gathering information through research, examining historical records, consulting experts, or relying on personal knowledge or experiences, you should be able to determine how long a situation has been going on.