positive and negative things about Andrew Jackson's presidency


You'll need to read several (if not many) articles and perhaps books to come to conclusions for yourself. YOU will need to decide what YOU THINK are positive things or negative things.

Please repost with your thoughts if you'd like someone here to comment on your ideas.

she is super big

Positive things about Andrew Jackson's presidency:

1. Populist President: Andrew Jackson was seen as the "People's President" because he portrayed himself as a champion of the common people and made efforts to give more power to the average citizen.

2. Strengthened the executive branch: Jackson significantly increased the power and influence of the presidency, exerting strong leadership and displaying a firm commitment to his policy agenda.

3. Indian Removal Act: Although controversial, Jackson's Indian Removal Act of 1830 resulted in the relocation of several Native American tribes from their ancestral lands in the eastern United States to territories west of the Mississippi River, which opened up vast new territories for white settlement.

4. Economic reforms: Jackson implemented policies that aimed to reduce the influence of powerful banking institutions and promote a more egalitarian economic system. He vetoed the rechartering of the Second Bank of the United States, leading to its eventual dissolution and the start of the "Free Banking Era."

Negative things about Andrew Jackson's presidency:

1. Treatment of Native Americans: The forced removal of Native American tribes, particularly the Cherokee who experienced the Trail of Tears, was a harsh and brutal policy that caused the suffering and death of thousands of Native Americans.

2. Expansion of slavery: Jackson did little to challenge or limit the expansion of slavery, which resulted in a continued increase in the number of slaves and perpetuated the institution's existence.

3. Nullification Crisis: Jackson's strong stance against states' rights and support for federal power led to a major conflict with South Carolina over the Tariff of 1828. While it was eventually resolved, the crisis highlighted the divisions between North and South over issues of trade and states' rights.

4. Removal of federal funds from the bank: Jackson's decision to withdraw federal funds from the Second Bank of the United States created financial instability and contributed to the Panic of 1837, which resulted in an economic depression and widespread suffering.

It is worth noting that opinions regarding Andrew Jackson's presidency vary, and these points reflect both positive and negative assessments of his time in office.

Andrew Jackson's presidency is subject to debate among historians, and opinions on the positive and negative aspects of his tenure can vary. To assess both perspectives, it's essential to examine multiple sources, gaining insights into the different viewpoints. Here's how you can approach this:

To find positive aspects of Jackson's presidency:
1. Search for reliable historical sources or books that provide an overview of his presidency.
2. Look for specific achievements during his time in office, such as the Indian Removal Act of 1830 and the expansion of voting rights for white men.
3. Consider the impact of his economic policies, including the dismantling of the Second Bank of the United States and his emphasis on individual states' rights.

To find negative aspects of Jackson's presidency:
1. Utilize reputable sources that critically analyze his presidency.
2. Examine the consequences and ethical implications of the Indian Removal Act, which resulted in the forced displacement of Native American tribes from their ancestral lands.
3. Explore the controversy surrounding his handling of the Nullification Crisis and accusations of an abuse of executive power.
4. Assess the long-term impact of his economic policies and their role in contributing to the Panic of 1837.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find, compare multiple sources, and consider the historical context of Jackson's presidency. This will help you form a well-rounded understanding of the positive and negative aspects of his time in office.