what are some bad points for democracy?

Democracy is messy. People don't agree on methods, financing, solutions, etc., so the practical problems aren't solved very quickly. Some people prefer a dictatorship where one person tells everyone else what to do and how much to pay.

who are some famous democracy leaders?

In what time period? Since you phrased this in the present tense, I assume you want to know the names of democracy leaders who are still alive and active. If so, start with the current leaders of today's democracies.

the time period doesn't matter. I just need to know the names of some famous leaders throughout democracy.

Pericles, Solon, Cleisthenes, Rousseau, Patrick Henry, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Peter Zenger, Abraham Lincoln, Henry Thoreau, Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela, Bishop Tutu, Mohandas Gandhi, and the U.S. Presidents and Congresspeople. You could also add the U.S. Supreme Court justices.

Democracy, as a form of government, has many positive aspects such as promoting individual freedom, political equality, and fostering a sense of participation and accountability. However, like any other system, it also has some potential drawbacks. Here are a few commonly discussed negative points related to democracy:

1. Inefficiency and slow decision-making: Democracies often involve multiple levels of decision-making, such as debates, consultations, and voting, which can lead to delays and lengthy procedures. This inefficiency may hinder quick responses to urgent situations or emergencies.

2. Majority rule and the tyranny of the majority: In a democracy, decisions are often made by a majority vote. While this ensures that the majority's interests are represented, it may lead to neglect or oppression of minority groups if their voices are not adequately heard or respected.

3. Lack of expertise and knowledge: In a democratic system, political leaders are selected by the people through elections. However, this means that leaders may not always possess the necessary expertise or knowledge required to make complex policy decisions. This can result in less effective governance and potentially lead to uninformed decisions.

4. Populist influence: It is possible for populist leaders to manipulate public opinion and emotions, often by making unrealistic promises or presenting oversimplified solutions to complex problems. This can lead to short-sighted policies that prioritize popularity over long-term well-being.

5. Voter apathy and the risk of uninformed decisions: In a democracy, the effectiveness of the system depends on an informed and engaged electorate. However, voter apathy and a lack of interest or understanding in political affairs can diminish the quality of decision-making and allow for manipulation by well-funded interest groups.

Remember that these are potential negative aspects associated with democracy, and they may vary depending on the context and implementation of democratic practices in different countries. It's important to critically examine these points and consider possible remedies to address these challenges.