I am a 3 digit number less than 300.

I am divisible by 2 and 5, but not 3. The sum of my digits is 7.
What number am I?


a3-digit number less than 300 is divisible by 2 and 5, but not 4 if the sum of the digits is 7, find the number

Thank You Anon


To find the number that meets these conditions, we need to analyze the given information step by step.

The number is a 3-digit number less than 300, so it can only be between 100 and 299 (inclusive).

The number is divisible by 2 and 5, which means it must be a multiple of 10. Since it is a 3-digit number, the units digit must be either 0 or 5.

The sum of its digits is 7. Let's consider the possibilities for the units digit:

If the units digit is 0, then the remaining two digits must add up to 7. The possible combinations are (1, 6) and (2, 5). However, 100 and 200 are not less than 300, so we can eliminate these possibilities.

If the units digit is 5, then the remaining two digits must add up to 2. The only possible combination is (1, 1). Therefore, the number can only be 115.

So, the number that meets all the given conditions is 115.