What is the call number of the oldest copy of Ellison's Shadow and Act?

To find out the call number of the oldest copy of Ellison's "Shadow and Act," you will need to access a library catalog or library database that houses information about the holdings of libraries. Here's how you can go about finding the answer:

1. Visit the website of a library catalog or a library database. Examples of popular library catalogs include WorldCat, Library of Congress Catalog, or your local library's catalog.

2. Use the search function provided on the website to look for Ellison's "Shadow and Act." Enter the title of the book in the search box and click on the search button.

3. The search results will typically display multiple editions or copies of the book. Look for the oldest edition available or the edition specified as the oldest in the search results. This might be indicated by publication date or edition information provided in the search result entry.

4. Once you've identified the oldest edition or copy, click on the title or the book's entry to access more detailed information.

5. On the book's details page, you should be able to find the call number for that specific copy. The call number is a unique identifier used in libraries to locate specific items on the shelves.

6. Note down or remember the call number for the oldest copy of Ellison's "Shadow and Act."

Remember, the specific steps may vary depending on the library catalog or database you are using. It's always best to explore the website's user guide or contact a librarian if you need further assistance.