i need to make 3 object from the indus valley and 8 that describes the important beliefs of buddhism could someone tell what items i need to make


This is a good explanation of the Eightfold Path in Buddhism.

These search results have many good articles and images of objects from the ancient Indus Valley.

Use your imagination. What objects do you think would work?

Check these pictures and text for many ideas.




Certainly! Here are three commonly found objects from the Indus Valley Civilization and eight important symbols or items that represent the beliefs of Buddhism:

Objects from the Indus Valley Civilization:
1. Terracotta Figurine: Create a small figurine depicting a person or an animal. The Indus Valley Civilization is known for its intricate terracotta art and figurines were often made to represent various aspects of their culture.
2. Seal Stamp: Design a small stone seal with a unique pattern. Seal stamps were widely used in the Indus Valley for administrative purposes and to mark ownership.
3. Pottery Shard: Shape a miniature pottery shard with intricate patterns. Pottery was a significant part of everyday life in the Indus Valley, and thousands of pottery pieces have been found at excavation sites.

Symbols and Items representing Buddhism:
1. Buddha Statue: Sculpt or draw a Buddha statue, representing Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism. The statue typically showcases Buddha in a seated or standing meditative posture.
2. Dharma Wheel: Draw a wheel with eight spokes to represent the Dharma Wheel, symbolizing the Noble Eightfold Path, one of the core teachings of Buddhism.
3. Lotus Flower: Create a beautiful lotus flower, as it represents purity and enlightenment in Buddhist beliefs.
4. Bodhi Tree: Draw a tree with heart-shaped leaves to symbolize the Bodhi Tree, under which Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment.
5. Prayer Flags: Design small colorful flags on a string, reflecting the prayer flags used in Buddhist traditions. These flags are believed to spread goodwill and blessings in the wind.
6. Incense Burner: Use clay or paper to create a miniature incense burner, representing the importance of incense in Buddhist rituals and meditation practices.
7. Prayer Beads: Craft a simple bracelet or necklace with beads, symbolizing a mala or prayer beads used by Buddhists to count mantras during meditation.
8. Stupa: Create a small model of a Buddhist stupa, a sacred structure housing relics or teachings of the Buddha. Stupas represent enlightenment and Buddhist principles.

Feel free to use your creativity to make these objects while considering the historical context and symbolic significance associated with each item.