Draw the electron-dot structure for CHClO.

No such luck.

Here is a try.
&nbsp H
&nbsp |
&nbsp C=O
&nbsp |
&nbsp Cl
For the dot structure, replace ther | with two dots; the = is replaced with 4 dots.
Add two dots to the upper part of the O and 2 dots to the right of O.
For Cl, add 2 dots to right, left, and bottom. 18 dots in all. Hope this helps.

We can't make drawings on these boards but I will try to find one on th web and post the address of the site.


To draw the electron-dot structure for CHClO, also known as chloric acid, we need to determine the total number of valence electrons in all the atoms involved.

Let's start by identifying the number of valence electrons for each element in the compound:

C (carbon) has 4 valence electrons.
H (hydrogen) has 1 valence electron.
Cl (chlorine) has 7 valence electrons.
O (oxygen) has 6 valence electrons.

Next, we sum up the total number of valence electrons:

1 carbon atom contributes 4 valence electrons.
1 hydrogen atom contributes 1 valence electron.
1 chlorine atom contributes 7 valence electrons.
1 oxygen atom contributes 6 valence electrons.

Total = 4 + 1 + 7 + 6 = 18 valence electrons.

Now we can arrange the atoms in a way that follows their connectivity. Carbon (C) is usually the central atom in organic compounds, so let's place it in the middle. Hydrogen (H) will be attached to carbon, while chlorine (Cl) and oxygen (O) will be connected to carbon through single bonds.

H - C - Cl - O

To complete the structure, we distribute the remaining electrons as lone pairs around each atom while obeying the octet rule.

First, we fill the octet of hydrogen (H) by placing 2 electrons (1 pair) around it.

Next, we distribute the remaining 16 electrons (8 pairs) among carbon (C), chlorine (Cl), and oxygen (O). We start by placing one pair of electrons between each bonded atom to form chemical bonds.

H - C - Cl - O

Now, let's fill the octet of each atom:

- Carbon (C) already has 2 electrons (1 pair) from the C-H bond. We will place 3 lone pairs (6 electrons) around carbon.

H - C - Cl - O

- Chlorine (Cl) already has 2 electrons (1 pair) from the C-Cl bond. We will place 3 lone pairs (6 electrons) around chlorine as well.

H - C - Cl - O

- Oxygen (O) has no electrons yet. We will place 2 lone pairs (4 electrons) around oxygen.

H - C - Cl - O

Now, we need to ensure that all atoms have an octet of electrons. We have used all 18 valence electrons, and each atom has a complete octet:

H - C - Cl - O

This is the electron-dot structure for CHClO, also known as chloric acid.