I have this homework for english. I have to write an essay about the relationship between christopher and his father from "the curious incedent of the dog in the night time". As an IB student, i don't have alot of time on my hands so it would be really helpful if you could help me out by giving me something to work with.


P.S. Here is something from my school district on IB essays. You will need to download the document.



Of course, I'd be happy to help! In order to write an essay about the relationship between Christopher and his father in "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time," there are a few steps you can take to gather the necessary information and develop your ideas:

1. Read the book: Make sure you have a clear understanding of the relationship between Christopher and his father by reading the book thoroughly. Take note of important scenes, dialogues, and interactions that highlight their dynamic.

2. Analyze their interactions: Look for patterns or recurring themes in Christopher and his father's relationship. Consider the way they communicate, their roles within the family, any conflicts or tensions, and how their relationship evolves throughout the story.

3. Take notes: As you read, jot down specific instances or quotes that showcase important aspects of their relationship. This will help you remember key points and provide evidence for your essay.

4. Identify key themes: Think about the broader themes or ideas that emerge from Christopher and his father's relationship. Do they struggle with communication? Is there an underlying sense of love and care despite their difficulties? Are there conflicts due to Christopher's condition?

5. Develop a thesis statement: Based on your analysis, formulate a thesis statement that encapsulates your main argument about the relationship between Christopher and his father. This statement should express what you believe the author is trying to convey through their relationship.

6. Organize your essay: Structure your essay in a logical manner. Devote each paragraph to a specific aspect of their relationship, supporting your points with evidence from the book. Consider using a combination of chronological order and thematic analysis to guide your essay's organization.

7. Provide textual evidence: Quote specific passages from the book to support your analysis. Make sure your evidence directly relates to your ideas and reinforces your main points.

8. Edit and revise: Read through your essay and make sure your arguments are clear and well-supported. Check for any grammar or spelling errors, and ensure that your essay flows smoothly from one idea to the next.

Remember, the purpose of your essay is to analyze and interpret the relationship between Christopher and his father, so focus on providing insightful interpretations rather than simply summarizing the plot. Good luck with your essay!