what is the another name for Textue?

Surely you do NOT mean "Textue?" On the chance you mean "texture" here is a PDF file to download:



P.S. If you had looked that word up in a Thesaurus, here are all the synonyms:

arrangement, balance, being, character, coarseness, composition, consistency, constitution, disposition, essence, essentiality, fabric, feel, feeling, fiber, fineness, flexibility, form, framework, grain, intermixture, make, makeup, nap, nature, organization, pattern, quality, roughness, scheme, sense, smoothness, stiffness, strategy, structure, surface, taste, tissue, touch, warp, weave, web, woof


Another name for texture is "consistency." Texture refers to the tactile qualities of a surface, such as its smoothness, roughness, softness, or hardness. When discussing food, texture can refer to the way it feels in the mouth, such as being crunchy, chewy, or creamy. To find this answer, you can consult a dictionary, a thesaurus, or search online using keywords like "another word for texture" or "synonym for texture."