I am an Axia student also. I am still looking for different measurments of prejudice.


is it difficult to accurately measure prejudice

Likert scale and bogardus Social Distance Scale look them up and figure it out

That's great to hear that you're interested in studying prejudice! There are indeed several different measures of prejudice that researchers use to understand and quantify this complex social phenomenon. Here are a few commonly used ones:

1. Implicit Association Test (IAT): The IAT measures implicit biases or unconscious preferences by assessing the speed of associating different concepts. This test is widely used to examine biases related to race, gender, age, and other social categories. You can take the IAT online through various research institutions or academic websites.

2. Social Distance Scale: The Social Distance Scale assesses the willingness of individuals to interact with members of different social groups. It typically asks respondents to rate the closeness they would feel towards various groups, such as ethnic or religious groups, on a scale ranging from "close" to "distant."

3. Modern Racism Scale: This scale is used to measure subtle or "modern" forms of racism that may not be overtly stated but can still be prevalent in individuals. It consists of a series of statements that assess attitudes towards racial and ethnic groups, such as beliefs about equal opportunities and discrimination.

4. Bogardus Social Distance Scale: This scale measures social acceptance and discrimination by evaluating the level of personal willingness to interact with specific social groups. Respondents are asked to indicate their comfort level with various social interactions (e.g., having someone as a neighbor, relative, or coworker) with members of different racial, ethnic, or religious groups.

To explore these measures in more depth and find additional ones, you can search for academic articles, psychology research studies, or textbooks related to prejudice and discrimination. These resources often provide a comprehensive overview of different measurement tools and their applications. Additionally, Axia College may offer specific courses or resources related to understanding prejudice, which could be helpful in your research.