The per capita public debt (in thousands of dollars) of the United States for the years 1940 to 1990 appears below. Create a scatterplot and determine a trend line. Based on your scatterplot, what do you expect the per capita public debt to be in 2020?

Year-1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
$-325, 1668, 1572, 1807, 3970, 12,823

What do you think the per capita public debt will be in 2020?

the answer is simple, it's "About 14,000"

To create a scatterplot, you will need to plot the data points on a graph. The x-axis will represent the years, and the y-axis will represent the per capita public debt.

Here are the data points:
(1940, -325)
(1950, 1668)
(1960, 1572)
(1970, 1807)
(1980, 3970)
(1990, 12,823)

Plot these points on a graph with the appropriate scale for the x-axis and y-axis. Once you have plotted the points, you can draw a trend line through them to see the overall pattern. A trend line is a line that best represents the general direction of the data points.

To determine the trend line, you can use various methods such as linear regression. This method finds the line that minimizes the sum of the squared distances between the line and the data points.

Once you have drawn the trend line, you can extend it to the year 2020 to estimate the per capita public debt.

Note that predicting future values based on past trends may not always be accurate, as there are various factors that can influence the per capita public debt. Therefore, it is important to interpret this estimation cautiously.

If you have the data points plotted and need further assistance with drawing the trend line or estimating the per capita public debt in 2020, please let me know.