Where is a good place to find Bridge Map's? Where a word you choose like butterfly is in english, is then in like french, german, etc??


Bridge maps are much broader than that.

(Broken Link Removed)
You have to make your own.

THANKS!!! Will do.....:)

To find a bridge map that connects words between different languages, you can use online translation or language learning platforms. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to find a bridge map that includes the word "butterfly" in English and its translations in different languages:

1. Open a web browser and go to a reliable online translation website or language learning platform. Some popular options include Google Translate, WordReference, Duolingo, or Babbel.

2. In the source language tab (usually set to English by default), type the word "butterfly" and press Enter or click the translate button.

3. The translation will appear in the target language tab (such as French, German, etc.). Make sure that the translation is accurate for the target language you want to explore.

4. Next, copy the translated word for "butterfly" in the target language. For example, if you want the French translation, copy the French word for "butterfly" displayed on the website.

5. Paste the copied word into the search bar or translation box of the same platform. Switch the translation direction so that the target language becomes the source language and English becomes the target language.

6. Now, you will see the English translation for the word "butterfly" in the target language you've chosen. Repeat these steps for other languages you want to explore.

Alternatively, you can also use language learning apps that provide vocabulary lists and translations across different languages. Simply search for "butterfly" or the specific word you want to bridge in the app's search bar to find its translations in various languages.

Remember to cross-reference the translations from different sources to ensure accuracy. It's always helpful to consult native speakers or language experts if you have any doubt regarding the translations.