which country does the tax collector represent?(1) why did sons of liberty ta and feather the taxcollector?(2) . these actions by the sons of liberty and other patriots helped lead towhich war?(3) thanks.

I'm sure you know these answers. Please post them and we'll be glad to comment on them.

1) The tax collector would typically represent the government or ruling authority of a particular country. In the context of the American Revolution, this would refer to the tax collectors representing the British government.

To find out which country the tax collector represents in a specific historical event or context, you can conduct a search using relevant keywords or phrases. For example, you can search for "tax collector during the American Revolution" to find information about the specific country in question.

2) The Sons of Liberty tarred and feathered tax collectors as a form of protest and coercion against British taxation policies imposed on the American colonies. The Sons of Liberty, a secret organization formed by American colonists in the pre-revolutionary era, opposed the British policies that they believed infringed upon their rights. Tarring and feathering involved coating a person with hot tar and then covering them with feathers, which was a humiliating and painful experience.

To find more information about the motivations behind the Sons of Liberty's actions against tax collectors or specific incidents involving tarring and feathering, you can research books, articles, or reliable online sources about the Sons of Liberty, the American Revolution, or British taxation policies during that time.

3) The actions of the Sons of Liberty and other patriots, including their resistance against British taxation and other oppressive measures, played a significant role in sparking the American Revolution. The American Revolution was the war between Great Britain and the American colonies that took place from 1775 to 1783, ultimately resulting in the United States gaining independence from Britain.

To learn more about the impact of the Sons of Liberty's actions on the American Revolution or the connection between the protests and the war, you can study books, scholarly articles, or online resources that focus on the American Revolution or the causes leading to it.