Julie is paid a comission of 3% on all sales. Last week, she earned $82.74. What were her total sales?

How do you solve this math question?
Please and Thank you!


solve for sales.

I don't understannd what you just mentioned. How would you get the answer of the total sales?

82.74= .03 * x (sales)

divide each side by .03 to get your answer

to check it, take your answer and multiply it by .03 and you should come up with 82.74.

Does that mean that Julie has had 2758 sales?

so to double check the answer you would go... 2758*.03 and get the answer of $82.74

To solve this math question, we can use the formula for calculating commission:

Commission = (Rate) x (Sales)

In this case, Julie's commission rate is 3% or 0.03, and her earnings from commission are $82.74.

Let's denote her total sales as S. We can now write the equation as:

0.03S = $82.74

To find her total sales, we need to isolate S.

To do this, we can divide both sides of the equation by 0.03:

S = $82.74 / 0.03

Simplifying the right side of the equation gives:

S = $2,758

Hence, Julie's total sales were $2,758.