the gcf of :


What do ccd and c have to do with the gcf of 40 and 42?

well cc is supposed tobe c with an exponite of two but i did not know how to write it and then it had d next to it

but i don't know it said find the gcf of the set of monomials and that's how it was writen exept for the exponet

your greatest common factor is 2c

To find the greatest common factor (GCF) of 40ccd and 42c, we need to find the largest number that can divide both of them evenly. The GCF can be calculated by determining the common factors and selecting the largest one.

Step 1: Prime Factorization
Start by finding the prime factorization of each number. Prime factorization means expressing the number as a product of prime numbers.

The prime factorization of 40ccd can be calculated as follows:
40ccd = 2^3 * 5 * c * c * d

The prime factorization of 42c can be calculated as follows:
42c = 2 * 3 * 7 * c

Step 2: Identifying Common Prime Factors
Next, compare the prime factorizations of both numbers to identify the common prime factors they share. In this case, the only common prime factor is 2 and c.

Step 3: Determine the GCF
To find the GCF, take the product of the common prime factors, considering their lowest exponent.

In this case, 2 has an exponent of 1 in both numbers, and c has an exponent of 1 in both numbers. Thus, the GCF of 40ccd and 42c is given by:

GCF = 2^1 * c^1 = 2c