two thirds minus five ninths equals?

2/3 - 5/9 =

First you need to find the common denominator and change 2/3 to 6/9

6/9 - 5/9 = ??


it's 1/9

the answer is 1/9




1/3 - 5/9

Find the common denominator/LCM of 3 and 9:

factors of 3 ~ 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
factors of 9 ~ 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90

9 is the common denominator/LCM


1/3: The denominator becomes 9 but whatever you do to the denominator you do to the numerator, 3*3=9, so 1*3=3 (3 is the numerator, 9 is the denominator)

1/3 becomes 3/9 and since the denominator in 5/9 is already 9, 5/9 stays 5/9.

Then you do 3/9 - 5/9 = 8/9 (you don't minus the denominator)

My explaining is really bad but I hope this helps,

Good Luck on future questions! (by the way, i'm in 6th grade).