how many different bracelets can be made from 7 white beads and 2 grey ones//?

That would depend upon how many beads you'd like in each bracelet. If you only have 1 bead on each bracelet , you could make 9!


using all the beads

by making bracelets

To determine the number of different bracelets that can be made using 7 white beads and 2 grey ones, we can use the concept of permutation.

The number of different bracelets can be found by considering the arrangements of the beads in a circular fashion, where rotations of the same arrangement are not considered distinct.

First, let's find the total number of arrangements without any restrictions. This can be calculated using the formula for the number of permutations of a set, which is n!, where n is the number of items.

In this case, we have a total of 9 beads (7 white beads + 2 grey beads). So, the total number of arrangements without any restrictions is 9!.

Next, we need to consider the duplicates caused by the indistinguishable arrangements due to rotations. Since the bracelet is circular, any arrangement can be rotated to create the same bracelet. Therefore, we need to divide the total number of arrangements by the number of rotations possible for each arrangement.

For a circular arrangement of n items, the number of rotations is (n-1). In this case, we have 9 beads, so the number of rotations possible for each arrangement is (9-1) = 8.

To find the number of distinct bracelets, we divide the total number of arrangements without any restrictions by the number of rotations possible for each arrangement: 9! / 8.

Computing this calculation gives us the final answer: the number of different bracelets that can be made from 7 white beads and 2 grey beads is 9! divided by 8.

However, to get the exact numerical value, further calculation is required. So, 9! / 8 ≈ 453,600 different bracelets can be made from 7 white beads and 2 grey beads.