how would i deal with this?

Each generation has some thing valuable to offer

This generation information dispersal,

my generation-heavy metal

my parents--they paved the way

What is your question about these ideas?

Dealing with different generations can sometimes be challenging, but it's important to appreciate the unique qualities and experiences each generation brings. Here are a few steps to help you navigate and appreciate the contributions of each generation:

1. Embrace diversity: Recognize that every generation has its own strengths, values, and perspectives. Embracing diversity means being open to different ways of thinking and learning from one another.

2. Seek understanding: Take the time to learn about other generations' interests, experiences, and cultural references. This can help you find common ground and foster empathy.

3. Foster communication: Open and respectful communication is essential in bridging generational gaps. Listen actively and share your own viewpoints, but be open to dialogue and compromise.

4. Share knowledge: Recognize that every generation has valuable insights and wisdom to offer. Take advantage of opportunities to share your own experiences and learn from others. This can help build mutual respect and understanding.

5. Find common ground: While each generation may have different interests and passions, there are often areas of overlap. Identify shared hobbies, activities, or causes that can bring people together and create connections.

Remember, generational differences can enrich our lives and offer us diverse perspectives. Embracing these differences can help foster stronger relationships and create a more inclusive society.