so to write a book review i need to write about the character,then the theme and plot,style ,setting and biography and then a conclusion.

Yes, that is a common structure for writing a book review. Here's a breakdown of each section:

1. Introduction: Begin your review with a brief introduction to the book, including the title, author, and any relevant background information.

2. Character Analysis: Discuss the main characters in the book, providing a detailed analysis of their traits, development, and overall significance to the story. You can analyze their motivations, relationships, and how they contribute to the overall plot.

3. Theme and Plot Summary: Identify the central theme or themes of the book and discuss how they are reflected in the plot. Provide a concise but comprehensive summary of the major events and conflicts in the story.

4. Style and Writing: Evaluate the author's writing style, considering elements such as language use, narrative structure, pacing, and any unique techniques employed. Discuss how these aspects contribute to the overall reading experience.

5. Setting: Explore the setting or settings of the book, including the time period, physical location, and atmosphere. Analyze how the setting influences the story, characters, and themes.

6. Biography (optional): If relevant, provide some background information about the author, such as their previous works, writing influences, or personal experiences that may have influenced the book.

7. Conclusion: Summarize your overall thoughts on the book, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses. Offer your personal opinion, backed up with evidence from your analysis, and provide a recommendation to potential readers.

Remember, the purpose of a book review is to give readers a sense of what to expect and to provide your subjective analysis. Make sure to support your opinions with specific examples and evidence from the book.