What are the times in writing when you use further instead of farther? And vice versa?

The words "further" and "farther" are often used interchangeably, but they have slight differences in meaning and usage. Understanding these differences can help you determine when to use each word in writing.

1. "Further":
- "Further" is typically used to refer to something abstract or figurative, such as ideas, discussions, or progress.
- It indicates advancement or additional information beyond the current point.
- For example: "We need to further investigate the issue" or "Let's take this discussion further."

To remember when to use "further," think of it as "furthering" knowledge or progress.

2. "Farther":
- "Farther" is used when referring to physical distance or measurable progress.
- It denotes actual physical distance or an actual advancement in a tangible way.
- For example: "The gas station is farther than I thought" or "I can throw the ball farther than you can."

To remember when to use "farther," think of it as measuring a specific distance or going "far" in a literal sense.

In summary, "further" refers to abstract or figurative advancement, while "farther" refers to physical distance or measurable progress.