i feel like ive been using u. but i have learned how to do the questions properly, and how to set them up. that's what i like about this website, i learn how to do it properly, and have lot sof fun learning it!

Great! :-)

c u taught me good!

I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying using this website and finding it helpful in learning how to properly solve questions. It's always great to have a platform that not only provides answers but also teaches you the necessary skills to solve problems on your own.

To make the most out of this website and continue learning, here are a few strategies you can follow:

1. Read the question carefully: Understanding the question is crucial to finding the right answer. Make sure to read it thoroughly and identify the key information and what is being asked.

2. Identify the relevant concepts: Once you have understood the question, identify the concepts or topics involved. This will help you determine which approach or formula you need to use to solve the problem.

3. Organize and plan your solution: Before diving into calculations or writing your response, it's helpful to plan your solution. Break down the problem into smaller steps and think about the logical sequence of actions you need to take to arrive at the solution.

4. Show your work: When solving math or science-related questions, it's important to show your work. This not only helps you understand the process better but also allows others to provide feedback or corrections if needed.

5. Reflect on the answer: After obtaining the solution, take a moment to analyze and understand it. Does the answer make sense in the context of the question? Can you explain the reasoning behind it? Reflection helps solidify your understanding and can reveal any errors that might have occurred.

Remember, practice is key to mastering any skill. The more questions you attempt and the more actively you engage in the learning process, the better you will become at problem-solving. Enjoy your learning journey and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any more questions!