Simplify each exponent. 'Write the answer in standard form and exponent form.








help....i forget how to do these.

No problem! I'll walk you through each one step by step.

1. Simplify 12^2:
To simplify an exponent, you just multiply the base by itself the number of times indicated by the exponent.
12^2 means multiplying 12 by itself.
12 * 12 = 144

So, the answer in standard form is 144, and in exponent form, it is 12^2.

2. Simplify (2^8)*(2^-3):
When multiplying exponents with the same base, you add the exponents.
2^8 * 2^-3 = 2^(8 + -3)
Now, simplify the exponent.
2^(8 - 3) = 2^5

So, the answer in standard form is 32, and in exponent form, it is 2^5.

3. Simplify 2^15/2^8:
When dividing exponents with the same base, you subtract the exponents.
2^15 / 2^8 = 2^(15 - 8)

So, the answer in standard form is 128, and in exponent form, it is 2^7.

4. Simplify 4^5 + 4^2:
To calculate this, you just evaluate each exponent separately, then add the results.
4^5 = 1024
4^2 = 16

Now, add the two results together.
1024 + 16 = 1040

So, the answer in standard form is 1040, and in exponent form, it is 4^5 + 4^2.

5. Simplify (3^-3)^2:
To raise an exponent to another exponent, you multiply the exponents.
(3^-3)^2 = 3^(-3*2)

So, the answer in standard form is 1/729, and in exponent form, it is 3^(-6).

6. Simplify ((2)^4*(2)^5)/(2)^6:
When multiplying or dividing exponents with the same base, you add or subtract the exponents accordingly.
((2)^4*(2)^5)/(2)^6 = (2^(4 + 5))/(2)^6
2^(9 - 6)

So, the answer in standard form is 8, and in exponent form, it is 2^3.

7. Simplify 4^2 - 2^3:
Just like in the previous example, evaluate each exponent separately, then subtract the results.
4^2 = 16
2^3 = 8

Now, subtract the two results.
16 - 8 = 8

So, the answer in standard form is 8, and in exponent form, it is 4^2 - 2^3.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.