IN 1988, the number of transmitters in the Intel 386 Sx was 275,000. It has doubled every 24 months since then. Write an equation that predicts the number of transmitters in a micro processer n years after 1988.


Where n is the years after 1988


To write an equation that predicts the number of transistors in a microprocessor n years after 1988, we can use the following information:

- In 1988, there were 275,000 transistors in the Intel 386 Sx.
- The number of transistors doubled every 24 months.

First, we need to determine the number of doubling periods that have occurred since 1988. To do this, we divide the number of years by 2, since the technology doubles every 2 years:

Number of Doubling Periods = (n years) / 2

We then multiply this number by 2 (since the number of transistors doubles each period) and multiply it by the initial number of transistors:

Number of Transistors = 275,000 * 2^(Number of Doubling Periods)

Putting it together, the equation that predicts the number of transistors in a microprocessor n years after 1988 is:

Number of Transistors = 275,000 * 2^((n years) / 2)

Using this equation, you can calculate the number of transistors in a microprocessor for any given number of years after 1988.