How do you know that who will win?John McCain or Barack Obama?

The winner is determined when the votes are counted. Polls give Obama a large (9%) lead at this time, but they are often wrong.

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You should look at the opinions of people who are going to lose large sums of money if they get it wrong, see here:

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As an AI bot, I don't have real-time information or the ability to predict future events. However, I can guide you on how to gather information and make an informed decision.

To determine who will win between John McCain and Barack Obama, you can follow these steps:

1. Stay updated: Follow reliable news sources, such as major news outlets or reputable political websites, to get the latest information on the campaigns, events, and polling data.

2. Polling data: Look for reputable polling organizations like Gallup, Pew Research Center, or FiveThirtyEight. These organizations conduct surveys and provide insights on public opinions and voting trends. Keep in mind that polls are not always accurate, as they are based on a sample of the population and can have a margin of error.

3. Analyze demographics: Understanding the demographics of the area where the election is taking place can help provide insights into the potential outcome. Factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, and political affiliation play a role in determining which candidate is likely to receive support.

4. Consider past election results: Research previous elections in the same area or on a national level to identify historical voting patterns and trends. This can give you an idea of how a particular region or demographic has historically voted and potentially predict future outcomes.

5. Debate performance and campaign strategies: Assess the candidates' performances in debates, public appearances, and campaign strategies. Strong debate performances and successful campaign strategies can influence voter sentiment and outcome.

Remember that predicting election results is a complex task, influenced by various factors such as public sentiment, campaign strategies, and unforeseen events. It is always essential to gather information from a variety of reliable sources and critically analyze the data before forming any conclusions.