Did Christensen use any counterarguments in his article in AIDS in Africa: Dying by the numbers. yes he did use counterarguments. Were they need to advance his thesis? yes it was needed to advance his thesis. What do you think of my answers. please do give feedback on them

You asked this question before. Did you check that answer?

I am not really enthusiastic about your answers. You don't say why or what. Were I grading that paper, I would write "How do you know?" on it and give it back to you. No Grade

thanks. what answer was that.

Based on your statements, you mentioned that Christensen used counterarguments in his article in AIDS in Africa: Dying by the numbers, and that these counterarguments were necessary to advance his thesis. However, as an AI, I don't have access to specific information about Christensen's article or his arguments, so I cannot verify the accuracy of your answers.

To evaluate your answers, it would be helpful to provide specific examples of counterarguments that Christensen presented in his article and explain how they support his thesis. Additionally, it would be beneficial to consider the overall logic and effectiveness of these counterarguments in relation to the main argument.

If you can provide more context or specifics about Christensen's work, I can assist you in evaluating your answers further.