asian americans according to the u.s. census bureau. complete the matrix in appendix e, using information from the asians pacific american hertitage.

Mary, do you really think we know what your appendix e is? Or the matrix to fill out?

To complete the matrix in Appendix E using information from the Asians Pacific American Heritage, you need to gather data from reliable sources, such as the U.S. Census Bureau. The U.S. Census Bureau provides demographic information about the Asian American population, including data on population size, ethnic groups, educational attainment, income levels, and more.

Here's a step-by-step guide to completing the matrix:

1. Access the U.S. Census Bureau website ( or search for their Asian American-specific data page.
2. Locate the relevant data tables or reports that provide information on the categories you want to include in your matrix (e.g., population, educational attainment, income levels, etc.). Look for reports specific to Asian Americans or Asian American subgroups.
3. Review the data tables, charts, or reports to find the information you need. Pay attention to the years for which the data is available, as trends can change over time.
4. Start completing the matrix by listing the different categories you want to include in the rows (e.g., Population Size, Ethnic Groups, Educational Attainment, Income Level, etc.).
5. Fill in the corresponding data for each category by referring to the data you found from the U.S. Census Bureau. Make sure to accurately input the numbers or percentages for each cell.
6. If possible, include footnotes or citations to indicate the source of the data you used, such as the specific U.S. Census Bureau report or table.

Keep in mind that the specific details you include in the matrix will depend on the requirements and purpose of your assignment or project. It is always important to double-check the accuracy of the data and ensure that you properly cite your sources.