I got to analyze suzukis history at our peril. How should i present my analysis? suppose to tell why its expository? then provide examples. Should i state why in the first paragraph why its expoisitory?

ie he talks about how humans need to protect the environment or it will make us extinct

Hes just saying were shouldn't be so ignorant cause there are lots of warning signs

how should i structure my analysis?

I)problem--were ignorant

II)causes to explain the argument

III)facts to explain it better

When presenting your analysis of Suzuki's history, it is important to structure your analysis in a clear and logical way. One effective approach to analyze Suzuki's work in an expository manner is by organizing your analysis into sections that address the problem, causes, and facts supporting the argument. Therefore, your analysis could be structured as follows:

I) Introduction:
In the first paragraph, provide a brief overview of Suzuki's history and the general theme of his work. You may also mention that your analysis will adopt an expository approach.

II) Problem - Ignorance:
In this section, explain the core problem that Suzuki addresses in his work. Focus on his argument that humans' ignorance towards environmental issues puts us at risk of extinction. Use specific examples from Suzuki's work to support this point. For instance, mention his discussions about warning signs and the consequences of ignoring them.

III) Causes:
In this section, discuss the causes that Suzuki presents to explain why humans are ignorant. Look for instances where Suzuki highlights factors contributing to our lack of awareness, such as societal attitudes, economic interests, or political influences. Provide examples from Suzuki's work to illustrate each cause and how they contribute to the problem of ignorance.

IV) Facts and Evidence:
In this section, present factual information and supporting evidence that Suzuki provides to reinforce his argument. Include statistics, scientific research, or other credible sources cited by Suzuki to substantiate his claims. Share specific facts and examples that establish the urgency and seriousness of the issue at hand.

V) Conclusion:
In the final paragraph, summarize the key points discussed throughout your analysis. Restate Suzuki's argument about the importance of protecting the environment to prevent human extinction. Emphasize the significance of understanding and addressing ignorance as highlighted by Suzuki.

By organizing your analysis in this structure, with clear headings for each section, your presentation will be more coherent and easy to follow. Remember to provide specific examples from Suzuki's work to support each point and to maintain a balanced and objective tone throughout your analysis.