WE have homework with irrregular verbs. Mom is not sure what that is...can you help?

Most of our verbs form their past tense by added -ed. These are regular verbs.

jump; jumped
talk; talked
measure; measured

We also have a lot of irregular that form the past tense in different ways.

run; ran
know; knew
see; saw
write; wrote

jump ;jumped know ;knew

simple and great.

thank you.

what is three book name

Of course! Irregular verbs are verbs that do not follow the regular pattern of verb conjugation. In English, most verbs form their past tense and past participle by adding "-ed" to the base form (also known as the infinitive), for example, "walked" or "talked". However, irregular verbs have their own unique way of forming the past tense and past participle.

To help your mom understand irregular verbs, you can explain that irregular verbs have different forms for different tenses. For example, the verb "go" is irregular because its past tense is "went" instead of "goed". Another example is the verb "give", which has the past tense form "gave" rather than "gived".

To complete the homework with irregular verbs, you will need to study and memorize the irregular forms of these verbs. There is no set rule for irregular verbs, so it's important to practice and familiarize yourself with the correct forms. You can use a dictionary or online resources to look up the irregular forms of verbs if you're not sure.

It's also helpful to create flashcards or make a list of irregular verbs with their different forms. Practicing writing sentences or filling in the blanks with the appropriate irregular verb forms can also reinforce your understanding.

Remember, regular verbs follow a consistent pattern, while irregular verbs have their own unique forms that need to be memorized.