How would I prove the following (With a formal mathematical proof)?:

If a transversal intersects two parallel lines, then the bisectors of two corresponding angles are parallel.

let AB and CD be parallel lines with EF a transversal cutting AB at P and CD at Q

by properties of parallel lines (PPL)
<EPB = <PQD = a
<BPQ = <DQF = b

let PO be the bisector of <EPB and
let QR be the bisector of <PQD

then <OPB = a/2 and
<RQD = a/2

<FQR = b + a/2
<QPO = b + a/2

therefore <FQR = <QPO (but they are corresponding angles)

so PO || QR

To prove the statement "If a transversal intersects two parallel lines, then the bisectors of two corresponding angles are parallel," you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a diagram
- Start by drawing two parallel lines, let's call them line l and line m.
- Then draw a transversal line that intersects the parallel lines at two distinct points.

Step 2: Identify the corresponding angles
- Look for pairs of corresponding angles that are formed by the transversal and the parallel lines.
- Corresponding angles are located on the same side of the transversal and are either both interior angles or both exterior angles.
- In this case, there are two pairs of corresponding angles.

Step 3: Prove that the corresponding angles are congruent
- Use the properties of parallel lines and the definition of corresponding angles to show that the corresponding angles are congruent.
- You can use the fact that corresponding angles are formed by the same transversal intersecting the parallel lines to justify this step.

Step 4: Prove that the bisectors of corresponding angles are parallel
- Now that you have established that the corresponding angles are congruent, you need to prove that the bisectors of these angles are parallel.
- Assume that the bisectors are not parallel and reach a contradiction.
- Suppose the bisectors intersect at some point. Then, you can use the congruence of the corresponding angles to show that the bisectors must coincide, which contradicts the assumption that they intersect at some point.

Step 5: Conclude the proof
- After you have shown that the assumption leads to a contradiction, conclude that the bisectors of corresponding angles must be parallel.
- Write a concluding statement to summarize your proof.

Remember to use the proper mathematical language, definitions, and axioms throughout your proof. Follow the logical progression of statements and justifications to ensure a robust and rigorous mathematical proof.