what is a concuding sentence for the story "The scarlet Ibis".

Look at the last line of the story.

To generate a concluding sentence for the story "The Scarlet Ibis," there are a few steps you can follow:

1. Read and analyze the story: Familiarize yourself with the events, themes, and overall message conveyed in "The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurst.

2. Identify the main points: Determine the story's key elements, which could include themes of pride, love, and the consequences of pressure or cruelty.

3. Summarize the ending: Reflect upon the conclusion of the story and consider its significance. The final lines depict the death of the fragile and unique bird, the realization of the narrator's guilt, and the sorrow felt for the loss.

4. Craft a concluding sentence: Based on the information above, construct a sentence that encapsulates the story's message and themes. For example:

"In the haunting conclusion of 'The Scarlet Ibis,' the death of the vulnerable bird serves as a poignant metaphor for the destructive power of pride and the lasting impact of remorse."

Remember, this is just one possible option. You can modify the sentence to align more closely with your interpretation of the story and its themes.