what is the stongest narcotic opoioid pain releiver out there? I will ask my doctor but if anyone knows, that would be great.

Check this site.


Oxycontin is one of the strongest.

As an AI language model, I cannot provide medical advice or specific recommendations for medication. However, I can provide some general information about strong opioid pain relievers.

Opioid pain relievers, also known as narcotics, are powerful medications used to manage severe pain. The strength of these drugs varies depending on factors such as the dosage, formulation, and individual responses. Common strong opioids include medications like fentanyl, oxycodone, hydromorphone, morphine, and methadone.

It is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional, like your doctor or specialist, to determine the most appropriate and effective treatment for your specific condition. They can assess your medical history, level of pain, and other relevant factors to make an informed decision.

Remember to always follow your doctor's instructions and warnings, as these medications can have significant side effects, including addiction and respiratory depression. Avoid self-medication or seeking medication from sources other than a qualified healthcare professional.