Today my class got in trouble for talking so my teacher made us do 3 questions.... She said the answers are not in our book so I need help... Thanks so much!!!

1. What is Jesus's race?

2. Who was the ceasor (I don't know if "ceasor" is spelled correctly) at the time of Jesus's birth? (She gave a hint saying at his death, the ceasor was Tiberius.)

3. In what Providence did Jesus grow up?


Sure! I'm happy to help you find the answers to your questions. Let's take them one by one:

1. What is Jesus's race?
Determining Jesus's race can be a subjective matter involving various interpretations. According to historical and biblical accounts, Jesus was born in the region of Judea, which was part of the Roman Empire at the time. This area is located in modern-day Israel and Palestine. Given the geographical location, it is generally understood that Jesus belonged to the ethnic group known as Jews or Israelites.

2. Who was the Caesar at the time of Jesus's birth?
Based on the hint your teacher provided, let's work backward from Tiberius's death to determine the Caesar at the time of Jesus's birth. Tiberius Caesar ruled from 14 AD to 37 AD. Since Jesus was believed to have been born prior to Tiberius's death, we need to find a Caesar before him. The Caesar who reigned before Tiberius was Augustus Caesar, also known as Octavian. He was the first Roman Emperor and ruled from 27 BC to 14 AD. Therefore, Augustus Caesar was the Caesar at the time of Jesus's birth.

3. In what province did Jesus grow up?
Jesus grew up in the region of Galilee, which was a province within Palestine during the Roman period. Galilee was located in the northern part of ancient Israel, bordered by the Sea of Galilee. It is worth noting that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, which was located in Judea, but he spent most of his early life in Nazareth, a town in Galilee.

To find answers to questions like these, you can utilize various sources such as historical books, religious texts, or reputable websites. Remember to critically evaluate the information you find and consider multiple perspectives to get a well-rounded understanding.

1. that's something that no one knows for sure; in my opinion it doesn't even matter and it holds no importance in events in the Bible.

2. In Luke 2 it clearly states that it wasCesar Augustus.
3. His home town was Galilee or Nazareth

Jesus was Middle Eastern.

Check this site to find the Roman leader (caesar) at the time of Jesus's birth.

Also, check this site.

Jesus was Caucasian. Not much is known about him historically, but it's certain he was a Palestinian Jew, and as such, a semite. Semitic peoples are Caucasian. It should be noted that the concept of race among humans is complex, because humans travel, and are promiscuous--and that skin color isn't a reliable indicator of race (e.g. there are people in India who are Caucasian, yet possess very dark skin.)