why did alexander poured out drinking water offered to him in the desert? what was his goals and what did he get in result?

Alexander the Great, the ancient king of Macedon, poured out drinking water offered to him in the desert for a specific reason. This incident is documented in the accounts of Greek historian Plutarch.

1. Goal: Alexander's goal was to demonstrate his commitment and dedication to his men during their campaign in the Persian Empire. He wanted to show them that they were all in this together and that they would face the same hardships.

2. Result: By pouring out the water, Alexander sent a powerful message to his soldiers. He was willing to share their suffering and go through the same challenges they faced, even in the extreme conditions of the desert. This act generated immense loyalty and respect from his army and boosted their morale.

Additionally, this incident also highlighted his leadership qualities, showcasing his determination and ability to endure hardships alongside his soldiers. It further solidified the bond between Alexander and his men, contributing to their unwavering loyalty throughout his conquests.

Alexander the Great poured out the drinking water offered to him in the desert as a strategic move during his military campaign. His goal was to instill a sense of urgency and determination among his troops and to show them that they had no alternative but to move forward and conquer new territories.

By pouring out the water, Alexander wanted to demonstrate his leadership and commitment to victory, as well as to discourage any thoughts of retreat or surrender among his soldiers. This act symbolized his willingness to endure hardship alongside his men, reinforcing the idea that they were all in this together.

The result of Alexander pouring out the water was that his troops were motivated to push onward and conquer more lands. By eliminating any possibility of retreat, he forced his soldiers to give their all in the battles that lay ahead. This act of sacrifice and determination helped to maintain their morale and inspired them to achieve even greater victories. Overall, Alexander's decision to pour out the drinking water played a significant role in his military success and the expansion of his empire.

what was the result of Alexande poured out drinking water offered to him in the desert