you can only use 8, 1, 4, 3, 7.

digts only appear once in an answer

the product of two 2-digit numbers, plus a number is 3,355

what are the numbers?


How do you solve two 2-digit numbers, plus a number, is 3355?

To find the numbers, we need to determine two 2-digit numbers and an additional number whose product, when added together, equals 3,355.

Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Determine all the possible two-digit numbers using the given digits (8, 1, 4, 3, 7). Since digits can only appear once in the answer, we can select any two digits from the given set.

Possible two-digit numbers: 81, 84, 83, 87, 14, 13, 17, 43, 47, 37.

Step 2: Calculate the product of each pair of two-digit numbers obtained in Step 1.

Possible products:
81 * 84 = 6,804
81 * 83 = 6,723
81 * 87 = 7,047
81 * 14 = 1,134
81 * 13 = 1,053
81 * 17 = 1,377
81 * 43 = 3,483
81 * 47 = 3,807
81 * 37 = 2,997
84 * 83 = 6,972
84 * 87 = 7,308
84 * 14 = 1,176
84 * 13 = 1,092
84 * 17 = 1,428
84 * 43 = 3,612
84 * 47 = 3,948
84 * 37 = 3,108
83 * 87 = 7,221
83 * 14 = 1,162
83 * 13 = 1,079
83 * 17 = 1,411
83 * 43 = 3,569
83 * 47 = 3,901
83 * 37 = 3,071
87 * 14 = 1,218
87 * 13 = 1,131
87 * 17 = 1,479
87 * 43 = 3,741
87 * 47 = 4,089
87 * 37 = 3,219
14 * 13 = 182
14 * 17 = 238
14 * 43 = 602
14 * 47 = 658
14 * 37 = 518
13 * 17 = 221
13 * 43 = 559
13 * 47 = 611
13 * 37 = 481
17 * 43 = 731
17 * 47 = 799
17 * 37 = 629
43 * 47 = 2,021
43 * 37 = 1,591
47 * 37 = 1,739.

Step 3: Determine which two-digit numbers, when multiplied, result in a product that, when added to another number, equals 3,355.

After calculating the products in Step 2, we find that there are no two-digit numbers whose product, when added to another number, equals 3,355. Therefore, it is not possible to find the exact numbers using the given digits (8, 1, 4, 3, 7) with the given conditions.

It's important to note that if there was any mistake or misunderstanding in the question, please let me know, and I'll be happy to help further.