The square root of the lava lamp is champagne, and the ace of spades is tattooed on the wrist of the man who invented the poker chip. Assuming poker chips are round, what will this man's last words be?

a hint i got was it involves a kitten


To determine what the man's last words will be, we need to analyze the given information logically. However, it is important to note that the initial statements about the square root of the lava lamp being champagne and the ace of spades being tattooed on the wrist of the poker chip inventor are unrelated and do not provide any direct information about the man's last words.

Given the assumption that poker chips are round, we can deduce that the man who allegedly invented the poker chip is likely associated with the game of poker. However, the information about tattooed wrists and lava lamps is not relevant in this analysis.

Without any further information, it is impossible to determine the man's last words solely based on the given statements. The context and circumstances surrounding a person's last words are highly situational and can vary greatly from person to person.